Sorry for the break I got interupted. My other favorite is our new line of HISTORY HEROS DVD and BOOKS-
This is a great addition even though its a bit out of our normal line. The are animated films highligting the life of historical heros such as Ben Franklin, Pocahontas, Hariet Tubman... each video features a hero and a value they exhibited. It is meant to encourage your children to learn the historical story while relating to them personally through the addition of the book "the hero in me".
What a great building block for kids to build self esteem and encourage the values you feel are important. We watched the movie and my daughter really liked reading the book that went with it and it was about someone else... OH YEAH I GOT THOSE FREE TOO!!!
I cant wait to make a book that actually features her and see her reaction.
I am so excited to be part of a company that is on the cutting edge of technology,trends, and yet still focus' on family and important values.
Way to go Heritage Makers... holding true to the mission of strengthening families through the power of story.
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