I think I have told you before how much I love CVS... I was reminded again this past week why.
I have had issues with other stores cashiers being uneducated about their own rewards program, AND also how coupons work. Just because I am not paying for it doesnt mean the store loses money... duh, you get paid by the manufacturer.
Anyway. After some great sales at Rite aid the last few weeks I guess the cashiers/managers had seen too much of me and started giving me some trouble. They are now investigating EVERY coupon, gave me a hard time about B1G1 sales (I had to call customer support for back up), and basically did everything except accuse me of stealing. They have now decided that I can only use one total purchase coupon per DAY. Ironically its their company that pays redplum to put these out and allow us to print 2 per computer... even in their company policy it allows for multiples but it does give the store the right to "limit" daily use.
SO I almost gave up. Figured they decided they didnt want my business. Instead I found another rite aid nearby and figure I will start fresh and see if I can educate them on coupon use. I already taught them about the B1G1 free sales and they were much nicer about it. They were glad I had my store policy with me and thanked me....SO wish me luck that hopefully this new store wants my coupons/money.
Anyway after all the issues that day I had to stop in to CVS for a quick trip and to remind myself everything I do is OK. Not only did I feel better but I got a few rainchecks AND they gave me the ads for the next 2 weeks ahead of time!!!
I did complain a bit about rite aid to them and the guy working said "I dont understand they get paid either way. If its a coupon it just comes from the manufacturer instead of you."
Just a reminder that apparently CVS employees do understand what a coupon is and other stores just think its paper...
Happy shopping. :)
Wow. I had some problems with my RA store this week too. But I agree they do make you feel like you are doing something wrong.
update, things are going well at my new rite aid store. went in today and did 4 transactions without a hitch. well, the visine coupon did not work and then when reading it the item i had didnt qualify for it. so my fault. I did have to go to the "old store" for 1 transaction since the new one didnt carry the almay coverup i wanted. Oh well, they got 1 transaction ($20 in sales) just like they wanted and the other store got $80... what did they think i was going to do? I will post my success later.
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